Friday, March 4, 2011

Amelia's Book List


SOME BOOKS AND NOVELS I'VE READ (chronologically in the order I've read them)
"I have seen a great many lists of her drawing up at various times of books that she meant to read regularly through -- and very good lists they were -- very well chosen, and very neatly arranged -- sometimes alphabetically, and sometimes by some other rule."
- Jane Austin, Emma, chapter 5
“and I remember that you undertook to read it aloud to me, and that when I was called away for only five minutes to answer a note, instead of waiting for me, you took the volume into the Hermitage Walk, and I was obliged to stay till you had finished it.”
- Jane Austin, Northanger Abbey, chapter 14
" it is very well worth–while to be tormented for two or three years of one’s life, for the sake of being able to read all the rest of it. Consider — if reading had not been taught..."
- Jane Austin, Northanger Abbey, chapter 14
1. LINKLETTER, Art: (“harvested by”) A Child’s Garden of Misinformation
2. KESEY, Ken: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
3. ALBOM, Mitch: Tuesdays with Morrie
4. KAFKA, Franz: The Metamorphosis
5. BURNETT, Frances Hodgson: The Secret Garden
6. FITZGERALD, F. Scott: The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. FITZGERALD F. Scott: The Great Gatsby
8. O. HENRY (William Sydney Porter): Selected Stories
9. GONZALES, Corky: Yo Soy Joaquin
10. SHELLEY, Mary: Frankenstein
11. HOLMES, Marjorie: Two From Galilee
12. MONTGOMERY, L.M.: Anne of Green Gables
13. CHRISTOPHER, William and Barbara: Mixed Blessings
14. DAVIS, Sammy: Yes I Can - The Story of Sammy Davis, Jr
15. KEYES, Daniel: Flowers for Algernon
16. REYNOLDS, Debbie: My Life
17. TOLSTOY, Leo: Anna Karenina
18. STEINBECK, John: Of Mice and Men
19. MANDRELL, Barbara: Get To The Heart
20. DUKE, Patty, Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke
21. STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Treasure Island
22. DICKENS, Charles: David Copperfield
23. LONDON, Jack: Call of the Wild
24. CURIE, Eve: Madame Curie
25. ORCZY, Baroness: The Scarlet Pimpernel
26. BUCK, Pearl S. Buck: The Good Earth
27. CLEARY, Beverly: A Girl From Yamhill (autobiography)
28. PYLE, Howard: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
29. HUGO, Victor: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
30. LUND, Gerald N. Lund: The Work and the Glory: Volume 1: Pillar of Light
31. LUND, Gerald N. Lund: The Work and the Glory: Volume 2: Like a Fire is Burning
32. LUND, Gerald N. Lund: The Work and the Glory: Volume 3: Truth Will Prevail
33. LUND, Gerald N. Lund: The Work and the Glory: Volume 4: Thy Gold to Refine
34. DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan: Great Cases of Sherlock Holmes
35. CARTER, Ron: Prelude to Glory: Volume 1, Our Sacred Honor
36. CARTER, Ron: Prelude to Glory: Volume 1, The Times That Try Men’s Souls
37. SANDBURG, Carl: Abe Lincoln Grows Up
38. SMART, Ed and Lois: Bringing Elizabeth Home, A Journey of Faith and Hope
39. HILTON, James: Lost Horizon
40. FORESTER, C.S. : Captain Horatio Hornblower
41. DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
42. BRONTË, Charlotte: Jane Eyre
43. O’HARA, Mary: My Friend Flicka
44. COONEY, Eleanor and ALTIERI, Daniel: Shangri-la, The Return to the World of Lost Horizon
45. BYRD, Admiral Richard E.: Alone
46. SHAKESPEARE, William: A Midsummer Night's Dream
47. OSMOND, Marie: Behind the Smile
48. TEN BOOM, Corrie: The Hiding Place
49. HEMINGWAY, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea
50. ALCOTT, Louisa May: Little Women
51. OSMOND, Donny: Life is Just What You Make It
52. NORDHOFF, Charles and HALL, James Norman: Mutiny of the Bounty
53. REMARQUE, Erich: All Quiet on the Western Front
54. BYRNE, Donn: Messer Marco Polo
55. STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Kidnapped, the Adventures of David Balfour
56. AUSTEN, Jane: Pride and Prejudice
57. SATINT-EXUPÉRY, Antoine: Wind, Sand and Stars
58. HUDSON, W. H.: Green Mansions
59. LANG, Andrew (compiled by): Arabian Nights
60. CARSON, Rachel L. : The Sea Around US
61. STEVENSON, Robert Louis: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
62. VERNE, Jules: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
63. SMITH, Betty:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
64. LAWSON, Robert: Rabbit Hill
65. WREN, Percival Christopher: Beau Geste
66. BRONTÉ, Emily: Wuthering Heights
67. CONRAD, Joseph: Typhoon
68. COOPER, James Fenimore: The Last of the Mohicans
69. RAWLINGS, Marjorie Kinnan: The Yearling
70. CRANE, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage
71. HOMER: The Odyssey
72. DICKENS, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities
73. STEINBECK, John: The Pearl
74. PYLE, Howard: The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
75. CARD, Orson Scott: Enchantment
76. ORWELL, George: Animal Farm
77. WOODWARD, Bob and BERNSTEIN, Carl: All the President’s Men
78. LEE, Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird
79. MITCHELL, Margaret: Gone With the Wind
80. RIPLEY, Alexandra: Scarlett (Sequel to Gone With the Wind)
82. STEINBECK, John: The Grapes of Wrath
83. PARRY, Jay A. and ALLISON, Andrew M. : The Real George Washington, The True Story of America’s Most Indispensible Men
84. TOLSOY: Leo, War and Peace
85. ARISTOTLE: Logic, Categories
86. ST. AUGUSTINE: The Confessions of
87. BACON, Sir Francis: Novum Organum Book 1
88. DOSTOEVSKY, Fryodor Mikhailovich: The Brothers Karamazov
89. EURIPIDES: The Plays of Euripides
90. FREUD, Signmund Freud: Origin and Development of Psycho-Analysis
91. GALILEO, Galilei: Two New Sciences
92. HUME, David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
93. KANT, Immanuel: Critique of Pure Reason
94. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent: Elements of Chemistry
95. LOCKE, John: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
96. MARX, Karl Marx: The Manifesto of the Communist Party
97. MILL, John Stuart: Representative Government
98. NEWTON, Sir Isaac Newton: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
99. PLATO: Dialogues of Plato - Theaetetus
100. CHAUCER: Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Cressida
101. WYTHE, George Wythe: (biographical highlights)
102. CERVANTES, Miguel de Cervantes: The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated by John Ornsby
103. DESCARTES, René : Discourse on the Method
104. MELVILLE, Herman: Moby Dick
105. DOUGLASS, Frederick: Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave
106. MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de: The Essays, Apology for Raimond de Sebonde
107. ST THOMAS AQUINAS: The Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas, First Part, Treatise on God
108. ST THOMAS AQUINAS: The Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas, First Part, Treatise on Man
109. HIPPOCRATES: Hippocratic Writings
110. DANTE: The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Hell, Purgatory, Paradise
111. HOMER: The Odyssey
112. TACITUS, P. Cornelius: The Annals and The Histories
113. AUSTEN, Jane: Persuasion
114. ARCHIMEDES: The Works of Archimedes
115. BUCK, Pearl S. : The Pavilion of Women
116. MARSHALL, Catherine: Christy
117. HARRIS, Joanne: Chocolat
118. ARISTOPHANES: The Thesmophoriazusae
119. ARISTOPHANES: The Ecclesiazusae
120. ARISTOTLE : Physics
121. ARISTOTLE : Metaphysics
122. ARISTOTLE: On the Soul
123. PLATO: Dialogues of Plato - The Republic
124. PLATO: Dialogues of Plato - The Symposium
125. PLATO: The Dialogues of Plato: Gorgias
126. ARISTOTLE: The Works of Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
127. ARISTOTLE : The Works of Aristotle, Rhetoric (Rhetorica)
128. SHAKESPEARE, William: Othello
129. SHAKESPEARE, William: King Lear
130. SHAKESPEARE, William: Tragedy of Hamlet
131. SHAKESPEARE, William: King Richard II
132. SHAKESPEARE, William: King Richard III
133. SMITH, Adam: An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
134. DURRELL, Gerald: My Family and Other Animals
135. HALE, Shannon: Forest Born
136. DESCARTES, René : Meditations on the First Philosophy
137. BARBERY, Muriel - The Elegance of the Hedgehog (L'élégance du hérisson) translated from the French by Alison Anderson

138. HUGO, Victor: Les Mis

139. STERNE, Laurence - The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman (or Tristam Shandy) 

140. DANFORTH, William H. - I Dare You

141. CARNEGIE, Dale - How to Win Friends and Influence People

142. ALLEN, James - As a Man Thinketh

143.  TOLSTOY, Leo - Anna Karenina

144. HOMER - The Iliad of Homer

145. HOMER - The Odyssey

146. ARISTOPHANES - The Clouds

147. ARISTOPHANES - Lysistrata

1. FRANK, Anne: Anne Frank the Diary of a Young Girl
2. FITZGERALD, F. Scott: The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. FITZGERALD F. Scott: The Great Gatsby
4. O. HENRY (William Sydney Porter): Selected Stories
5. GONZALES, Corky: Yo Soy Joaquin
6. BURGESS, Thornton W. : Mother West Wind “When” Stories
7. CLEARY, Beverly: Ramona the Pest
8. CLEARY, Beverly: Ramona Quimby
9. WILDER, Laura Ingalls: Little House in the Big Woods
10. WILDER, Laura Ingalls: Little House on the Praire
11. GARDINER, John Reynolds: Stone Fox
12. WHITE, E.B.: Charlotte's Web
13. GRAHAME, Kenneth: The Wind in the Willows
14. RAWLS, Wilson: Where the Red Fern Grows
15. BIANCO, Margery Williams: The Velveteen Rabbit
16. SMITH, Janice Lee: The Monster in the Third DresserDrawer, and Other Stories about Adam Joshua
17. SMITH, Janice Lee: The Kid Next Door and Other Headaches: Stories about Adam Joshua,
18. SMITH, Janice Lee: The Show-and-Tell War, and Other Stories about Adam Joshua
19. SMITH, Janice Lee: It's Not Easy Being George: Stories about Adam Joshua (and His Dog)
20. SMITH, Janice Lee: The Turkeys' Side of It: Adam Joshua's Thanksgiving
21. SMITH, Janice Lee: There's a Ghost in the Coatroom: Adam Joshua's Christmas
22. TWAIN, Mark: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
23. PYLE, Howard: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
24. LEWIS, C.S. : The Chronicles of Narnia (#1-7)
25. GIPSON, Fred: Old Yeller
26. LOWRY, Lois: The Giver
27. McCLOSKEY, Robert: Homer Price
28. McCLOSKEY, Robert: Centerburg Tales
29. SILVERSTEIN, Shel: The Giving Tree
30. O’HARA, Mary: My Friend Flicka
31. ALCOTT, Louisa May: Little Women
32. LANG, Andrew (compiled by): Arabian Nights
33. TWAIN, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
34. CARROLL, Lewis: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
35. CARROLL, Lewis: Through the Looking Glass
36. VERNE, Jules: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
37. TOLKIEN, J.R.R. : The Hobbit
38. TOLKIEN, J.R.R. : The Lord of the Rings
39. CISNEROS, Sandra: The House on Mango Street
40. CLEARY, Beverly: Dear Mr. Henshaw

Links to online libraries of classic works, U.S. History & Constitutional Studies information, etc...


Take an online trip through American History

Educational information, lessons, activities. Learn where the founding Fathers got their ideas for sound government and how a return to these ideas can solve our nations problems today.

This site aims to eventually provide almost everything one needs to accurately decide what is and is not constitutional in most situations, and what applicable constitutions require one to do.

In 1995, the History Department and Hanover students initiated the Hanover Historical Texts Project. The Project's principal aim is to make primary texts readily available to students and faculty for use in history and humanities courses.

The Library is where electronic versions of classic books about individual liberty are stored. These texts go back some 4,000 years and cover the disciplines of economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, political theory, religion, war and peace. They are in a variety of formats - facsimile PDFs so scholars can view the original text, HTML for ease of searching and attractive layout, and text-based PDF EBooks for personal use. The Library also contains bibliographic information about the books as well as other "metadata" about the authors and editors.

The Literature Page is your place to read classic books, plays, stories, poems, essays, and speeches online, brought to you by the creators of The Quotations Page. Our collection currently includes 243 works from 89 authors. We add new titles regularly.

Classic literature online

PROJECT GUTENBERGThere are over 27,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg

online: The Great Books, Harvard Classics, American Heritage, Oxford Shakespeare, Gray's Anatomy, Quotations

Free web books online. University of Adelaide Library’s collection of Web books. The collection includes classic works of Literature, Philosophy, Science, and History.

This site presents modern high-quality translations of classic texts by famous poets as well as original poetry and critical works.

Lessons on the Chronicles of Narnia

READ in Spanish Miguel de Cervantes Biblioteca Digital
Digital library of Hispanic books online, similar to Project Gutenberg, but larger in scope, digitalizing 30,000 works (mostly in Spanish) in 3 years.

History of architecture, literary masters, arts, music, tour of the Prado, etc... lots of links and information


(Find a book) Descriptions and reviews of novels, books and literature by Hispanic authors. Also has facts & statistic of Spanish-speaking countries

library of online books written by women writers. Click on SEARCH. Choose LATINA under the ETHNICITY option to find Latina authors.

The International Film Contest (Mexico City)
The Festival Internacional de Cine para Niñas (…y no tan Niños) has been organized with the intent of sharing customs, cultures, and languages by presenting to children of Mexico the best cinematographic production for children from all over the world. The Festival will be presided by a Children's Jury which will award symbolic prizes to the best feature film and best short film presented at the festival.

in old- and modern-Spanish spelling, based on the 18 volume edition published byRodolfo Schevill and Adolfo Bonillaprepared in digital form and edited by Fred F. Jehle

ARISTOTLE - The Works of Aristotle - On Longevity and Shortness of Life

The Works of Aristotle, Short Physical Treatises
On Longevity and Shortness of Life

Plants too have in some cases a long life, while in others it last but for a year.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Longevity and Shortness of Life, Chapter 1, Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 710

Races inhabiting warm countries have longer life, those living in a cold climate live a short time. Likewise there are similar differences among individuals occupying the same locality.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Longevity and Shortness of Life, Chapter 1, Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 710

Again males subject to great toil are short-lived and age more quickly owing to the labour; toil produces dryness and old age is dry.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Longevity and Shortness of Life, Chapter 5, 
Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 712

ARISTOTLE - The Works of Aristotle - On Prophesying by Dreams

ARISTOTLE - The Works of Aristotle - Short Physical Treatises On Prophesying by Dreams

At all events, even scientific physicians tell us that one should pay diligent attention to dreams and to hold this view is reasonable also for those who are not practitioners but speculative philosophers.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Prophesying by Dreams, Chapter 1, Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 707

Nay, indeed it is not improbable that some of the presentations which come before the mind in sleep may even be causes of the actions cognate to each of them. For as when we are about to act, [in waking hours], or are engaged in any course of action or have already performed certain actions we often find ourselves concerned with these actions or performing them in a vivid dream.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Prophesying by Dreams, Chapter 1, 
Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 707

Most [so-called prophetic] dreams are however to be classed as mere coincidences, especially all such as are extravagant, and those in the fulfillment of which the dreamers have no initiative such as in the case of a sea-fight, or of things taking place far away.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Prophesying by Dreams, Chapter 1, Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 707

That certain persons in particular should have vivid dreams e.g. that familiar friends should thus have foresight in a special degree respecting one another is due to the fact that such friends are most solicitous on one another’s behalf.
Artistotle I, Short Physical Treatises, On Prophesying by Dreams, Chapter 2, 
Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 709

Anyone may interpret dreams which are vivid and plain. But speaking of ‘resemblances’, I mean that dream presentations are analogous to the forms reflected in water as indeed we have already stated.
Artistotle I,  Short Physical Treatises, On Prophesying by Dreams, Chapter 2, Great Books Vol. 8, pg. 709